Ce qui fût et ce qui est

15 July - 14 August 2021

McBride Contemporain is honoured and thrilled to announce the gallery’s list of represented artists, twelve individuals who as artists and people we are all delighted to be working alongside, and whose work we deeply believe in. These are the artists now represented by the gallery:


Barry Allikas

Sylvie Bouchard

Nadine Faraj

Jim Holyoak

Mathieu Lacroix

Rebecca Munce

Bea Parsons

Stephen Schofield

Matt Shane

Lorraine Simms

Andrea Szilasi

Yves Tessier


We are also pleased to invite you to our summer group show Ce qui fût & ce qui est, featuring all twelve of the artists we have chosen to work with. Each artist will present a work from their past alongside a more recent production. In this way, McBride Contemporain hopes to offer our audience some interesting comparisons and context for the exciting direction the gallery has chosen. We look forward to seeing you all soon!