Ann's Dream by Stephen Schofield Presented at L'Endroit indiqué

McBride Contemporain is thrilled to announce that Stephen Schofield's videos titled Anne's Dream, originally created as a two-channel video piece in 1980, are currently on display for outdoor viewing at L'Endroit indiqué (230 rue Marie-Anne, Montréal).


This documentation of the performance Ann’s Dream was produced as a two-channel video presented in the Video/Performance Art in Quebec series for the Vehicule Art television station Art Montreal in 1980. Based on a dream of the performer and a children’s game, Scissors, Rock and Paper, the performance took place within a space delimited by a 7,6 X 7,6 m (25’ X 25’) sheet of translucent paper. A rope wrapped around the central column was attached to the waist of the performer, Ann Lyons.  As she starts to walk and cut the paper before her, she created a spiral defined by the length of the rope as it unwound from the column.  After four and three-quarter turns, she uncovered two rocks, put the scissors on one and broke them with the other.


Click here for more information on Stephen Schofield's website.

June 20, 2024
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