Mathieu Lacroix at Art Mûr, with Af-Flux Biennale 2023

Mathieu Lacroix unveils an exceptional new artwork as part of the 2nd edition of the Biennale transnationale noire - Af-Flux, presented at Art Mûr from December 11 to 22.


Af-flux positions itself as a significant event that promotes contemporary art by Black artists, with a mission to organize a biennial exhibition, with performances and conferences in various locations in Quebec and Canada.

To learn more about the Biennial, please click here.



BLACK TRANSMISSION: A thousand paths of humanity
November 11 – December 22, 2023


Curator: Olivier Marboeuf



Marie Danielle Duval, Gwaldys Gambie, Astrid Gonzales, Délio Jasse, Mathieu Lacroix, Po B. K. Lomami, Olivier Marboeuf, Ludgi Savon, Stanley Wany, Guy Woueté, Ajamu X

November 11, 2023
of 104