Jim Holyoak & Matt Shane - Collaborative Practice


Unpredictable and yet always strongly characteristic, the artistic collaboration between Jim Holyoak and Matt Shane is a growing and mutating generator of skillfully evocative, oddly resonating, and beautifully imaginative drawings. This collaboration provides a unique opportunity for these two artists to test out and express their ideas, but also to allow them to be modified and enhanced, by one another’s complementary input. In the case of Holyoak, whose work skews towards the lyrical and the fantastic, Matt Shane’s more logically driven and empirical nature adds a strong and centring element; while for Shane, it’s Holyoak’s dreamlike animism that unlocks latent potential, expanding his architectonic visions.


Their work has been exhibited at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, the GEM Museum in Den Haag, the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, Teckningsmuseet Laholm (Drawing Museum) in Sweden, the Midlands Arts Centre in Birmingham, an enormous herring factory in Iceland and a cabin in the woods outside Montréal. 

Selected artworks
Installation shots

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